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Join our Exclusive Bouquet of the Month Club

Introducing the return of our exclusive "Bouquet of the Month Club" bringing the charm of the farm on Happy Valley Road right to your home. With very limited spots available discover the beautiful blooms each season has to offer and guarantee yourself, or a loved one the gift of flowers. From May through October, our farm-fresh bouquets are seasonally crafted with the most top notch flowers our garden has to offer. Each month, a handcrafted, fragrant, absolutely bodacious bouquet awaits you for on farm pick-up, bursting with the vibrant energy of our fields here at Freedom Flowers. Limited spots available sign up today!


The Story of Freedom Flowers

Tracy Sundby, Floret Workshop Student Class of 2023, SnoCo. Flower Collective Farmer, Mom, Wife, Homemaker and Avant Gardener extraordinaire’ grows heirloom, old fashioned and unique flower varieties on her 2.5 acre property in Stanwood located in the Pacific Northwest of Washington State. Growing flowers, sharing plant knowledge, and seeing beauty from seed to vase brings her immense gratification. Visit the seasonal Little Free Seed Library and Flower Stand on Happy Valley Road in Snohomish County to purchase seasonal blooms or swap seeds. Inquire about hosting a private Flower Crown Playshop, Bulk Blooms or Weddings  A La Carte for 2023. 

Get in Touch with Tracy

2824 196th St NW, Stanwood, WA, USA


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